Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

1. The Company – The Online Store

These Terms of Use and Terms of Transaction (hereinafter the “Terms”) govern the sale of products and the provision of services by the Société Anonyme under the trade name “Marakaki” with registered location at 6th km. Off National High way Chania- Rethymno in Crete and telephone number +30 28210 20609, e-mail [email protected], Tax Registration Number 135228821 / of the Tax Office “DOI CHANION” and General Commercial Registry No 075418758000 (hereinafter the “Company“, “We“, “Us“). Marakaki store provides you through its current website www.marakaki.com (hereinafter the “Online Store“) general with informative material regarding the Company, its products and its activities. The present website also constitutes the main means of communication by the Company through the internet to the public of the Products that it trades (hereinafter the “Products“). Marakaki Store is active also in the field of e-commerce and specifically it trades and sells through the Online Store to third parties (hereinafter the “Customers“) furniture, lighting, household items and other related items (hereinafter “Products“), which are being supplied to the Company by third parties. The Online Store is owned by the Company, which is the manager of the Online Store.

Please read these Terms carefully (including the Privacy Policy) before browsing the Online Store and before making any orders and purchasing Products. By registering / using / visiting and generally accessing the Online Store, you unreservedly acknowledge and accept that you have read, understood and agreed, without any restriction, condition or reservation, to be bound by these Terms of Use and Transaction. If you do not agree and do not accept these terms, you are obliged to refrain from using the Online Store and from any transaction with the Online Store. Your use and browsing of the Online Store results in your explicit and unconditional acceptance of this Agreement and all its terms.

Marakaki Store hereby declares that the Online Store operates legally, in accordance with applicable law.

2. Users of the Online Store

Regardless of whether you are registered or not in the Online Store, you are considered a User of the Online Store.

If you have access to our Online Store and you use it on behalf of someone else, you declare that you have the power to bind that person in relation to all the Terms and Conditions set out herein and to the extent that you do not have that authority you agree that You are bound by these Terms and Conditions and that you undertake responsibility for any damage that may be caused by any incorrect or unauthorized use or access to our Online Store.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you declare and warrant that you are over eighteen (18) years of age and that you have the legal capacity to contract under applicable law. If you do not meet the above conditions, you are not allowed to use our services and the Online Store, otherwise you are obliged to use our services and the Online Store exclusively under the guidance of a parent / guardian. In the latter case, the Company reserves the right to raise against such parent/ supervisor / guardian / any claims from your orders.

3. Your order

3.1 Products Sold

Marakaki store reserves the right to freely choose the Products that it displays on the Online Store and to modify, renew and / or withdraw such Products at any time and without prior notice. The same applies to its pricing policy, any offers and discounts which it may freely choose and carry out in accordance with the law, as well as modify, renew and / or withdraw at any time and without prior notice and / or compliance with any prior notice, unless required by law. Regardless of the price difference, the Customer always pays the price that applies when submitting the order as described below.

3.1.1 Reservations

The Products sold through the Online Store are intended to be used exclusively for purchase and personal use by you. It is expressly forbidden to resell Products purchased by the Marakaki Store. Violation of this obligation creates liability for damages.

Marakaki store makes every effort to ensure the quality, completeness and validity of the information provided in the Online Store, without prejudice to any technical or typographical errors, which cannot be foreseen or have occurred unintentionally, or without prejudice to operating interruptions of the Online Store for reasons beyond the control of the Marakaki store. Marakaki Store bears absolutely no responsibility indicatively and not exclusively for reasons of force majeure, technical problems, non-coverage of internet, internet overload, disconnection from internet connection, non-sending or non-acceptance of messages due to lack of available space.

Marakaki store, in good faith, is not responsible or liable for any errors in the features and photos of the Products and reserves the right to correct any errors or to change or update the page at any time without prior notice. Due to the nature of the presentation of the Products on the Internet and the different types of display used, the colors, fabrics and sizes presented on the website may differ slightly from those of the real item.

3.2 Sending a Request for Order

To place your order through the Online Store you need to (a) fill out a special order form with the necessary information to conclude the contract of sale and (b) accept (actively) unconditionally the terms of the contract of sale – the present terms and the Privacy Policy with the electronic option “I accept the Terms of Use and Transaction and the Privacy Policy” that will be given to you by the website. All the data sent by you to Marakaki store for the correctness and legality of which you are fully responsible, and as our Marakaki store becomes aware of this only upon your declaration, fall under the strict privacy policy of the Marakaki Store, and are collected and processed with full security and diligence and only with your written express consent, which you provide by sending the above form and by your active acceptance of the Terms of Use and Transaction and Privacy Policy as mentioned above.

You can browse the Online Store, freely select the Products of your choice through the Online Store and place them in your shopping cart. Then, each time after the completion of your purchases, following the “steps” that are indicated each time you will proceed with the sending of your request for order to the Marakaki Store by filling in all your personal information requested. For any errors during the electronic handling before the submission of your order to the Marakaki Store, you will be provided with the possibility of indicating such errors and correcting them by contacting directly the Customer Service Department of the Marakaki Store tel +30 28210 20609, [contact hours: Monday-Wednesday-Saturday 09.00am-14.00pm &Tuesday-Thursday-Friday 09.00am-2pm& 17.30-21.00pm).

Upon sending the request for your order, an automated message appears on your screen that includes the details of the order request that the Store will receive, which is then sent to you electronically to the e-mail address that you have provided to us. All your requests are received by us with the reservation of the availability control of the Products included in your order request (which control is conducted after the start of the processing stage following your request). At the stage of receiving your request and the automatic display of the content of your order request, the processing of your request by the Marakaki Store has not yet begun and no acceptance of your purchase offer exists.

The sale of the Products presented on the website may become impossible, in whole or in part, through no fault of the Marakaki store, indicatively due to restrictions on the production of the specific Products by its suppliers, cessation or change in the production of specific items, restriction of imports, impediments in customs clearance by government decisions. In any case, you will be informed about the availability of the Products shown during business hours and days.

3.3 Processing of the Request for Order

After sending the request for your order, you will receive a message immediately and no later than the next business day to you email address, regarding the confirmation of your order, which will include all the details of the order (Order Number, Products, Quantity, Price, Invoicing and Shipping Information, Delivery time, Shipping and any other costs, etc.). The shipment of the Product/ Products will take place according to the delivery schedule of our carrier partner as specified below under clause 7.

Our Store may contact you by e-mail and / or text message, which you have provided when completing your order form, at any time up to the delivery of your order to you for any matter regarding the receipt , the processing, execution and / or carriage of your order and / or the payment and / or return of Products or for any other matter. The parties agree that this communication (via e-mail and / or text message (sms) on the mobile phone you have provided to us or by contacting the landline phone that you have provided to us) covers all the legal requirements of your written information, where and when the Law requires it.

The invoice / receipt will be included in your order upon receipt of the ordered Product(s). It is advisable to know that your order may be delayed for reasons beyond the Store’s control or in case it is impossible to contact you by phone and / or via email (if, for example, there is a problem with the order, or in relation to the product or in relation to its payment) because e.g. the information that you have entered has been entered incorrectly or has not been updated.

For any information regarding the order process, please contact the Customer Service Department of our Marakaki Store at tel +30 28210 20609 [contact hours: Monday-Wednesday-Saturday 09.00am-14.00pm &Tuesday-Thursday-Friday 09.00am-2pm& 17.30-21.00pm).

4. Prices

Prior to sending your order, you hereby declare and by your acknowledgement in accordance with clause 3.2 above, that you have been informed of all the information relating to the ordered Products and in particular that the stated prices of the various Products on the pages of the Online Store are burdened with the corresponding VAT.

Product prices are in Euros. If the Customer’s card or bank account is not charged in Euros but in another currency it will be charged in the currency in which the account is kept, in the current currency price selected by the Bank at the time of confirmation of the order and conclusion of the contract. Marakaki Store is not responsible for any such conversions.

We reserve the right to change prices without notice. Crucial as to the price is the time you place your order. Subsequent modification of the price, even before the delivery of the Product does not affect your order.

Marakaki Store, in good faith context, is not responsible or liable for any errors in the prices of the Products listed on the Online Store and cannot guarantee that there will be no errors for any reason when importing and / or updating prices. In any case, the final correct price of the ordered Products (including VAT) will be indicated when you complete your request for an order.

Marakaki Store follows a free pricing policy based on its commercial strategy, always within the framework of the applicable legislation, in particular the provisions on the protection of competition. Therefore, it is possible to find a difference in the prices of Products sold in the Online Store from other similar products sold in other points of sale, given that our Store occasionally puts Products on offer or uses other promotional activities, whenever it deems necessary. Also, Marakaki Store reserves the right and you accept such right, to modify the listed prices and to change and / or withdraw the offers at any time with or without your prior notice.

5. Payment – Shipping Expenses

5. 1. Payment

Marakaki Store accepts payments by (a) credit / debit card, (b) by deposit in a bank account, (c) Cash on delivery.

(a) If the credit / debit card is chosen as the payment method (acceptable cards are Visa, Maestro, MasterCard, American Express or Diners), you must follow the instructions that you will find in the Online Store. After completing your details in the order form, you will be referred (be re-directed) to a special protected page of the bank cooperating with the Store in which you will be asked to fill in the number and expiration date of your credit / debit card, the three-digit security card of your card, as well as any other information that this bank deems appropriate for your secure transaction.

Your attention is drawn to, as during the processing of the payment by the cooperating bank and until the confirmation of the successful completion of your transaction, avoid interrupting the processing of the transaction. Credit / debit card transactions will be carried out through the Online Store by using the services of the Internet Payment Processor of the Bank with which Marakaki Store is contracted. You are solely responsible for the proper insertion and verification of your credit / debit card details and the card you use for each transaction must belong to you. Marakaki Store, for security reasons, does not store the details of any credit / debit card for future use, so you must re-enter the details each time you wish to make a new purchase.

By entering the required credit / debit card details, you expressly state that you have the legal right to use the credit / debit card. If your card does not have any amounts, the transaction will not be possible, so please make sure there is enough balance. Your transactions are protected by top online security systems (digital certificate encrypted with SSL 128-bit, control of the three-digit credit / debit card security code (CVV), additional online trading security systems such as Verified By Visa ® by V SecureCode ™ by MasterCard®, American Express Safe Key). In any case, the Company cannot guarantee that it can prevent the unauthorized use of information by unauthorized third parties. Also,Marakaki Store is not responsible for non-performance of charges or commitments of amounts with credit / debit card in case of fault of the Internet Banking Processor or Internet Service Provider (ISP).

i) Prior to the registration of your order, your credit / debit card will be pre-approved with a reservation of the total amount (price and any agreed costs, e.g. transportation) in order to make the corresponding reservation of the (s) Product(s) that we will send to you. If at the stage of confirmation of your order there is a problem with your pre-approval, then Marakaki Store will contact you in one of the ways mentioned in order to reach an agreement with you on this matter. If none of the referred ways of contacting you is made possible for any reason within one (1) business day of sending your order request, your request will be automatically canceled and you will have to send to us a new request again. In this case, a relevant message will be sent to you regarding the cancellation of your order request to the e-mail address you have indicated to us. The amount of the charge, in addition to the value of the ordered Product(s), also includes the shipping costs according to the term 13 below.

ii) In case at any point, and despite the above pre-approval and delivery of the Product(s) to you, inadvertently and / or due to a technical or other problem and / or for any other reason, final charge of your card with the corresponding price and expenses has not taken place, the Company has the right to make the final charge of the amount and expenses corresponding to your executed order at any later stage, at any time. In case you choose to pay by credit / debit card, you must either be present at the time of receipt of your order with your ID, or have an authorized holder with his / her identity present. In case the order is made on the data and on behalf of a company then either the legal representative of the company with his identity or an authorized employee of the company with his ID must be present at the time of receipt of the order,

(b) If the deposit in a bank account is selected as the method of payment, then you must pre-pay your order (and any agreed costs such as shipping cost) in full and not in instalments in one of Marakaki store’s bank accounts that appear in the corresponding payment field, stating as a reason for depositing your name and the number of your order. The order number will be indicated in the e-mail that you will receive as soon as your order is registered. The relevant deposit must be completed and confirmed by us within five (5) working days from the sending of that e-mail.

After confirming the deposit of the total amount of your order, the process of processing and confirming the order is followed and the relevant e-mails are sent to you. In case of non-confirmation of the deposit of the total amount of your order within the above deadline of five (5) working days respectively, your order will be canceled free of charge and the contract of sale will be considered as never concluded due to your rescission. In the latter case, a relevant message of cancellation of your order will be sent to you to the e-mail address and / or the mobile phone number you have indicated.

(c) Cash on delivery is only available for orders under 300€ that are delivered to Greece.

Regardless of the payment method you choose, there is the option of issuing either a receipt or an invoice, according to the applicable legislation. Also, regardless of the payment method you choose, you are entitled to a refund if you decide to return the Product under the present Terms.

In any case, the payment of the price and any expenses related to your order constitutes a full and unconditional acceptance on your part of the terms of our transaction as determined by the confirmation of your order.

5.2 Shipping Expenses

Delivery within the European Union is not subject to additional taxes. With the confirmation of your order according to the details specified above in the clause 3 our Store will specifically inform you of the costs related to the shipment of Products as well as the delivery times.

6. Security of commercial transactions

Marakaki store recognizes as a major issue the security of data and transactions and it has therefore taken all necessary measures.

However, Marakaki store cannot guarantee the success of the above effort, given that in particular the sending of confidential information via e-mail is not the safest way, as it involves risks of access to this information by third unauthorized parties.

Marakaki store does not have access to your bank data, and does not store information related to your bank or credit / debit card. So please enter payment details in each order that you make to us.

Marakaki store will not be liable for any damage (direct or indirect – actual damage or loss of earnings/profits) from illegal or unauthorized use of your card.

Marakaki store will not be liable for any damage caused to your computer equipment by viruses, worms, spyware, or other similar incidents during your connection to the Online Store. Please make sure you have an anti-virus program, firewalls and that all your computer protection programs are up-to-date.

7. Products’ Delivery

Marakaki store carries out deliveries exclusively within the European Union.

Delivery times will be generally mentioned on each product displayed in the Online Store and will be specified in the confirmation e-mail of your order. Delivery times may vary if e.g. you reside in remote areas, in the event of force majeure cases or other special circumstances.

Please make sure the address you enter is correct.

The delivery of the Products will be carried out by cooperating companies / transport companies during working hours and days (Monday – Friday 09: 00-17: 00), in which the Marakaki store provides those required of your personal information, i.e. name and shipping address, contact telephone number, so that the products’ delivery and execution of your order is completed. When filling out your special order form, you are invited to accept (actively by clicking/ online option) the Privacy Policy of the Online Store with the online option “I accept the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy”, to the content of which you will have access before the acceptance of its content by selecting the relevant available link. By selecting the above option, you consent unconditionally to the further promotion of your personal data and information for the purpose of shipping the ordered Products.

Marakaki store and its partners take all the necessary measures for the punctual delivery of the ordered Products based on the schedule that we have provided to you. With the delivery of your order to the respective carrier partner, a relevant message will be sent to the e-mail address and / or the mobile phone number you have provided to us, which will inform you about the delivery of the ordered Product(s) to the carrier and the schedule for the final delivery to you.
However, we inform you that any displayed delivery schedule is only indicative. Marakaki store shall not be held responsible for, and the carrier partner is solely responsible for any issue concerning the transport of the Products and in particular for the timetable of transport and delivery. In particular, Marakaki store shall not be held responsible for any delays due to force majeure or events beyond its control. Indicatively, Marakaki store is not responsible for any delays to delivery, due to delays which are attributable to Customs, intermediate loading and unloading units, strikes of means of transport or other types of strikes which affect the delivery of Products by our suppliers to the warehouses of our Marakaki store, etc. In the event of any delays, Marakaki store will make every necessary effort to contact you via the personal information you have provided to us in order to inform you about the delay and to communicate the event to you.

You may check the status of your order at any time in the section “My account” and in the sub-section “My orders”, after logging in the Online Store with your personal passwords, and in the case of telephone orders you may check the status as well by phone.

You are kindly requested to fill in a delivery address, were you in person or a recipient of your order will be present during working hours, such as at the place of your work. If at the time of delivery, you in person or a recipient of your order is not present to receive and sign the order respectively at the declared place of receipt, the products will not be delivered.
In case the order is made on behalf and in the name of a company then, at the time of delivery either the legal representative of the company with his identity card or a duly authorized employee of the company with his identity card shall be present. In cases that the Products are returned to the Company due to non-receipt by you or due to an invalid declared address, Marakaki Store will return the purchase price but not the shipping costs.

8. Product Ownership – Risk

Marakaki store tains the ownership of the Product(s) you choose until full payment of the amount required for the purchase, and provided that such payment has taken place. In the event that the Marakaki company makes any refunds to you, under the present terms and in particular the terms listed below under 9, the ownership of the Product/s is transferred back to our store.

The risk of the Products is transferred to you at the time the Products are received by you.

9. Cancellation and Products’ Return Policy

9.1. Cancellation prior to the order’s confirmation

You may cancel the order at any time before its confirmation by Marakaki Store and while it is still under process status. You may cancel the order by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address [email protected] or by phone at the Customer Service department on a daily basis 09: 00-17: 00 with any further charges.

9.2. Cancellation following order’s confirmation and before the Receipt of the Product due to regret

(a) Prior to shipment / receipt of the Product – Cancellation is acceptable within 14 calendar days from the confirmation of your order by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address [email protected] or by telephone at phone tel. +30 28210 20609 [contact hours: Monday-Wednesday-Saturday 09.00am-14.00pm & Tuesday-Thursday-Friday 09.00am-2pm & 17.30-21.00pm). Upon the cancellation, and if this takes place within the above time period, Marakaki store will proceed with the refund process of the purchase price.

(b) The above refund will be made either by crediting your bank account or by crediting your credit / debit card, depending on the means of payment you used for your original transaction, unless you expressly agree otherwise via sending an email to at [email protected] If you choose the option of crediting your bank account, kindly inform us via email and specifically at [email protected] for your account number (IBAN), the bank holding your account and the name of the beneficiary as stated in the bankbook. For security reasons, the beneficiary of the account number shall be the same person mentioned on the receipt / purchase invoice for the Product you have returned to us.

Sometimes there may be a delay in crediting your credit / debit card that due to the bank’s transaction procedures. Please contact us either electronically at [email protected] e-mail or tel +30 28210 20609 [contact hours: Monday-Wednesday-Saturday 09.00am-14.00pm & Tuesday-Thursday-Friday 09.00am-2pm & 17.30-21.00pm).], if the respective amount has not been credited within 14 calendar days. In any case, if the Marakaki Store has credited the respective amount, it shall bear no responsibility for the actual time of credit of the refundable amount due to the procedures of the cooperating Bank of the Customer.

9.3 Cancellation After Receipt of the Product

Marakaki store, in principle, does not accept cancellations of the order after the receipt of the Product.

Only the Customer who is a natural person and buys products remotely from our Online Store exclusively for private use and not in the context of his professional activity (hereinafter “the Customer – Consumer“) has the right of unjustified withdrawal. The Customer – Consumer is entitled to withdraw from his/her order/purchase without justification within an exclusive period of 14 calendar days from the receipt – physical possession of the Product, by sending us a relevant e-mail with the declaration of withdrawal to [email protected] (we emphasize, for checking the compliance with the above deadline, that as the “date of receipt of the Product” is considered the one indicated by the carrier in the receipt of delivery to the Consumer). Our Store is obliged to send you a receipt confirmation of the declaration of withdrawal as soon as receive it.

The return of the Product, as well as the refund of the purchase price from the Store to the Consumer will be executed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the receipt confirmation letter of our Store, i.e. from the date the relevant confirmation email was actually received. The refund of the purchase price will be executed via the same payment method that chose when you placed your order. In this case, you will be charged with the shipment costs of the Product’s return and for any reduction in the value of the Product due to the Product’s condition at the time of return.
The costs of assembly or installation, which may have been charged on delivery, and/or expenses in favor of third party carriers, lifting machines, tractors and in general any other costs other than the value of the product (purchase price) shall not be refunded.

In any case, the returned Products shall be in the same condition as when received by the customer, complete and without damages (accompanied with the labels of their quality characteristics and value, any other labels and their stickers) and their packaging shall be the one that normally accompanies the Product(s) (to comply with the Product’s code that the Store keeps) and shall be in excellent condition, along with all the documentation that accompanied the product (e.g. Dispatch Note, Invoice, Retail Receipt, etc.).

We would also like to point out that the risk of loss, damage or destruction of the Product shall bear with the Consumer until the actual receipt of the Product by our Store.

In any case, our Store does NOT accept Products that are returned due to withdrawal right and show signs of stains, damages, abrasions, deteriorations, and generally create the impression that they have been used beyond the necessary usage which is appropriate to determine their suitability. The Customer-Consumer is liable to compensate the Store if he/she made use of the Product other than the absolutely necessary for the determination of the nature, characteristics and operation of the Product within the time period until the withdrawal was exercised and the Store is entitled to agree with the customer its compensation even with mutual offsetting.

The Customer expressly acknowledges that he/she unconditionally waives the right to withdraw as a whole from the contract of sale, for Product(s) which was/were custom made for him/her according to his/her order or was delivered to him/her along with very specific technical or design specifications which he/she requested when placing the order.

10. Product Returns and Replacement Rights

10.1. Return and replacement due to incorrect product shipment

Product return is accepted only in case that a different Product has been delivered than the one actually ordered due to an error in the order’s process, pricing, shipping, or if the Products were damaged during transport, when the transport is operated by a cooperating carrier of our Store. In this case, the shipping costs (return and shipping back) are entirely borne by us.

10.2. Return and Replacement of Defective Products

Marakaki Store takes all possible measures to ensure that all Products (regardless of type) are free of any defect. In very rare cases, however, there is a risk that some of the Products will reveal a defect during its operation or be damaged during its shipment to you. For this reason and regardless of your above right to withdraw which is not affected, we invite you to check the products on the date of their receipt.

If the customer at the time of the Product’s receipt finds any external or aesthetic defect, and in the event that there are such defects, he is entitled to refuse the receipt and return it to the carrier. Our Store is obliged in a short period of time, and depending on Product’s availability, to replace this Product with a new one. In case of unconditional receipt of the Product, it is considered that it has been delivered in excellent condition without any defects.

In case you find out that there is any kind of damage and / or a defect to the product which is not attributable to your fault or due to misuse or non-proper use of the Product by you, then kindly inform us no later than two (2) working days upon the receipt of the corresponding Product by contacting us at the telephone number of the Store’s customer service center +302821020609 [contact hours: Monday-Wednesday-Saturday 09.00am-14.00pm & Tuesday-Thursday-Friday 09.00am-2pm & 17.30-21.00pm)stating that you wish to replace this Product with a new one, without prejudice to your right of withdrawal which is not affected.

The Customer expressly waives the right of withdrawal and / or replacement of the Product in case he/she used the Product in a manner which is clearly beyond the normal use of the Product for the determination of its nature, characteristics and operation, as it would take place in a physical store, thus making the product second – hand.

In case of Products’ return due to a defect, our Store at its sole discretion will repair it or replace it. Alternatively, and under the condition that our Store has received and tested the Product and explicitly acknowledged the defect via a written email to the Customer (construction failure of the Product) we will refund the purchase price to the customer with the same transaction payment method he/she made payment. In this case, the money refund will be executed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of sending the defect confirmation e-mail to the Customer.

10.3 Other Rights

In case you wish to exercise your right to withdraw and refund the amount paid instead of the right of replacement, the refund / credit of your money may be made either by crediting your bank account or by crediting your credit / debit card. If the refund is executed by crediting your bank account, we kindly ask you to inform us via email to [email protected] for your account number (IBAN), the bank holding your account and the name of the beneficiary as stated in the banknote. For security reasons, the beneficiary of the account number shall be the same person listed on the receipt / purchase invoice for the Product you have returned to us.

Sometimes there may be a delay in crediting your credit card due to the bank’s transaction procedures. Please contact us if you have not received the money refund within fourteen (14) calendar days. In any case, if the Store has credited the respective amount, it shall bear no responsibility for the actual time of the credit of the refundable amount due to the procedures of the cooperating Bank of the Customer.

10.4 Product Return Procedure

The procedure for returning the Products after canceling orders placed through the Online Store is the following: You will receive a Return Form with the details of your order (order number), the ordered Products, the number of the purchase receipt/invoice and the date of issuance as well as your personal information [Tick the Products (s) you want to return [note the reason of return – send the Product(s) accompanied with the Return Form to the address listed each time in the Return Form. If you do not complete the Return Form and do not send it along with the Product(s), you explicitly and unconditionally acknowledge that you waive the right of replacement and accept the Product as it is.

In any case of return, the Product shall be accompanied by the original receipt / purchase invoice. For all the above cases, the Products must be in the same condition as when received by you, complete and without damages (accompanied with the labels of their quality characteristics and value, the rest of the labels and their stickers) and their packaging shall be the one which normally accompanies the Product(s) (to comply with the Product’s code that the Store stores) and shall be in excellent condition, along with all the documentation that accompanied the product (e.g. Dispatch Note, Invoice, Retail Receipt, etc.). If the Product is not accompanied by the documents of this paragraph, then you explicitly and unconditionally acknowledge that you waive the right of replacement and accept the Product as it is.

In any case of Product return, the return is carried out through a carrier – partner of the Store. If the return is carried out through another carrier, the shipping costs will be borne by you, as well as in other cases that are explicitly stated herein.

11. Warranty

All the Products of our Store have a guarantee of good use, the validity period of which may vary for each product. The warranty period of each Product commences as soon as you receive the Product in your physical possession and expires on the corresponding date specified by the warranty of each Product.

The warranty form always includes the name and address of the guarantor, the product to which the warranty refers, its exact content, its duration, its local extent of validity, and the rights provided by applicable law.

The Customer, in order to make use of the product’s warranty, shall keep receipt or a copy of it to display it in case of activation of the terms of the warranty. For this reason, kindly keep the receipt or copy of the warranty of each Product you order and receive so that you have it available if you need to use its terms.

The Product’s Warranty does not apply in case the Product suffers any damage from misuse or any other improper use due to the Customer’s fault and exceeds the purpose of the Product’s usage.

The Warranty does not include the visits of employees of our technical department to your place, shipping the Product from the Customer’s premises to our facilities for further repair and the shipping costs, either for repair or replacement to and from the Customer’s premises.

We guarantee the fixing or repair of the Product free of charge only in the event of a defect that comes out within the warranty period and in cases where the damage is not attributable to misuse of the Product by the Customer.

In cases where the warranty period has expired, our Store continues to offer the possibility of repairing the respective Product with the corresponding charge of course, which is determined separately depending on the case and the repair services that the Product needs.

In the only event that a Product cannot be fixed by us and the warranty period we provide is still valid, provided that the damage is not due to the Customer’s fault, then our Store offers the possibility of the product’s replacement.


12. Intellectual Property Rights

Unless for explicitly defined exceptions, all content contained on the website (hereinafter referred to www.marakaki.com as the “Website“), including indicatively (and not restrictively) photographs, images, graphics, designs, digital programs, music files, brand names of Products (product names), logos, slogans, scripts, domain names, graphics, video, and all files in general, regardless of how they appear, are intellectual and industrial property of the Store or its suppliers and / or licensors and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, EU and international law for the protection of intellectual and industrial property. The composition of the content contained in each time on the Website belongs exclusively to the Store and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, EU and international law. Marakaki Store and its suppliers and / or licensors expressly reserve all intellectual and industrial property rights in any and all elements of the content of the Online Store.

Any use (personal and commercial), alteration, destruction, variation, restriction of trademarks, distinctive elements, as well as of all photographs and films (video), of the intellectual property rights, even of the indications and the general characteristics of the Products, regardless of whether they are protected with absolute and exclusive rights of the Store and / or its suppliers, without the prior written permission of the Store, is prohibited. In order to obtain a license from the Store for the use of certain elements of this Online Store, please send a relevant application by e-mail to [email protected] The access to the Online Store or any of the above actions will in no case result in the creation of a right, title or legal interest in any part or in the entire Online Store. Marakaki Store does not bear any responsibility for any damage caused to any part or to the entire Online Store through no fault of the Store.

Without prejudice to the above, the User undertakes not to create a derivative and based on the content of the Online Store work, not to copy, reproduce, republish, “upload, modify, transmit or sell or exploit in any way in whole or in part the content of the Online Store or the related software, not to enter it in an index, not to frame it with another webpage, not to enter it as a link for direct access in its internal information from any other website, not to copy its location to another server by creating an image and not to grant any right to a third party from the Online Store, without the express written prior consent of Marakaki Store. It is also not allowed to create and / or publish a database containing important sections of the Online Store without the prior express consent of the Store.

Where the Online Store refers via “links” or hyperlinks to other websites, the owners and / or administrators of these pages bear full (civil and criminal) responsibility for the security, lawfulness and validity of the content of their websites, excluding any liability of the Marakaki Store, as e.g. of the liability for infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights. Visiting and accessing these pages is the sole responsibility of the User.

Ιt is a basic principle of the Store’s policy to respect and protect the intellectual and industrial of third parties. If, however, the User considers that through the Online Store his intellectual or industrial property rights are violated, he may inform the Store by sending an e-mail [email protected]

Failure to comply with the above instructions by you, entitles the Store to prevent any future access to the Online Store and to exercise any of its legal rights. It is also prohibited for you to change or alter the security settings, architecture or layout of the Online store or to cause any interference with its use or technical specifications of its operation.

13. Data Protection/ Privacy Policy

Marakaki Store is the data controller of personal data collected by Users in the context of the use of the Online Store.

The collection and processing of personal data of the Users of Online Store is governed by these terms, the relevant provisions of the applicable data protection legislation, as well as by the relevant decisions, guidelines and regulations of the Data Protection Authority. The collection and processing of personal data by the Store is carried out in accordance with the applicable European and Greek legislation.

In the context of the use of the Online Store, you are requested to expressly give your consent for the collection and processing of your personal data in accordance with these terms by the Store and more specifically, your name, patronymic, date of birth, tax registration number, your contact phone number and your e-mail address, bank account details, credit / debit card details.

Your data is collected solely for the purpose of your use and transaction through the Online Store.

With your express consent, we will send you updates about the Online Store, the Store and the Products that we trade using your email address or your contact phone number, as indicated.

By accepting these terms, you consent to the use by the Store or its partners of your e-mail address or contact phone number for your information about the progress of your order and the terms of delivery of the Products.

Your details will be kept in electronic and printed form. The information you provide to us will remain with our server in Greece, as well as with our offices at the address referenced above and only persons under the control of the Store and only by its order will have access to them, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Unless expressly required by law or expressly in these terms, we will not publish or disclose any information you provide to us without your consent. Indicatively, we will disclose the following data categories to the following recipients:

– To our carrier partners for the transport and delivery of your Products we will notify the data

– Your data will also be notified to the competent bank (e.g. credit card number) and will be deleted from our database, immediately after the completion of your order, thus ensuring an even higher level of security.

By accepting these terms, you agree to the data processing by third parties, such as those mentioned above, that provide to the Store services related to the execution of transactions through the Online Store, and will manage personal data on behalf and by order of Marakaki Store without any right to use such data for their own benefit.

We take strict material, electronic and administrative security measures to protect your data from unauthorized processing, accidental or unintentional damage, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access, and any other form of unauthorized processing, as well as for securing non-access to them by unauthorized persons, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Your personal data, unless otherwise expressly specified in these terms, will be kept for five years from the date of your order or for any longer period, if so required by law.

You are at all times entitled to access the personal data that we hold and concern you. In addition, you have the right to request the correction of your personal data, and, provided that the conditions of the law are met, exercise the right to delete, the right to restrict processing, the right to data portability and the right to object to the data processing. You have the right to revoke this consent, without however affecting the lawfulness of the processing that has been based on your consent prior to such revocation. Finally, you also have the right to file a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority.

Although Marakaki Store uses reasonable measures to protect against viruses and other harmful elements, the nature of the Internet is such that it is impossible to ensure that your access to the website will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that this website, its servers or e-mails, which may be sent by us, will not contain viruses or other harmful elements.

Marakaki Store restricts the use of this website only to adults. Furthermore, the Store intends not to collect personal data of minors who may have access to its website without the consent of the parents/guardians. However, given that this cannot be secured / confirmed, any underage users of the website who provide, through the website, their personal data to the Company are obliged and are expected to have obtained the consent of their parents/ guardians.

This Privacy Policy and the Dara Protection Policy is governed by EU and Greek law and in particular by the EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), as well as by the corresponding Greek Law No. 4624/2019 which was enforced in implementation of the above Regulation. It is also governed by Directive 2002/58 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the field of electronic communications, as amended by Directive 2009/136 / EC and in force until and today.

14. Limitation of Company’s Liability

The Content of the Online Store is subject to modification and is provided to you “as it is” without any warranty, express or implied.

The use of the Online Store is made at your own risk. In order to have proper and complete access to the Online Store, you shall have enabled the JavaScript language in your browser, as well as the ability to download cookies. You shall also have the latest and most up-to-date web-browser versions installed (indicatively Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.). It is also recommended to use the latest versions of browsers. The User (visitor / member) of the Online Store acknowledges and accepts that in order to use some of the services of the Online Store, it may be necessary to download some upgraded electronic programs on his/her computer. The content of the Online Store is not and shall not in any way be construed as a means of advisory services, direct or indirect encouragement to you to take any action. The evaluation of the content of the Online Store is at your discretion and you assume the whole responsibility for the use of any part of it.

Marakaki Store reserves the right to temporarily or permanently discontinue part or all of its services without prior notice at its sole discretion. It is pointed out that the Store does not provide any kind of guarantee, express or implied, regarding the suitability, completeness, accuracy, adequacy, and assessment of the information posted on the Online Store, which in no case shall be construed as advice, encouragement, incitement or persuasion for specific actions.

The use of the Online Store shall exclusively be made for legal purposes and in a manner that does not restrict or impede its use by third parties. You are required to comply with the law and the present terms and conditions and not to commit acts or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction to the Online Store or alter its content. Furthermore, you are solely responsible for all the transactions you make through or as a result of the use of the Online Store, as well as for the specific terms and conditions of such transactions. If you intentionally or unintentionally violate any of the obligations set out in these Terms (including the Privacy Policy), you will be liable for any damage caused by you to the Online Store, our partners and suppliers, including court costs and legal does not provide any guarantee that the pages, functions, options and contents of the Online Store will be provided continuously, with technical adequacy, without errors and with immediate correction of errors that may arise. Marakaki Store shall not be held liable under any circumstances, even in the event of negligence, for any loss or damage (direct, indirect, accidental, incidental, special) that the user may suffer due to its exposure to annoying, misleading or offensive content, its access and / or incorrect, incomplete or inappropriate use of this website. Marakaki Store is not responsible for the analysis of quality, poor performance, erasure or inability to capture any data of itself and / or its users from and to this website. The user has the initiative, full and exclusive responsibility for the proper access and utilization of the information provided to him/her through this website. In particular, the information provided to users through the Online Store is not necessarily accurate, and may not be updated by the time of access or may have been modified or altered by third parties without the Store’s awareness or consent.

The Online Store contains links that belong to or operate under the supervision of third parties which are not partners of the Store. These – third party – links are only provided for your convenience.Marakaki Store does not monitor and is not responsible for the operation, content, privacy policies or security of these sites. Without limitation to the above, Marakaki Store explicitly waives all its liability if these sites violate third party’s copyright, are inaccurate, incomplete or misleading, are not marketable or suitable for a specific purpose, do not provide sufficient security, contain viruses or other destructive elements, are defamatory or generally violate the Law or third parties’ rights. Marakaki Store does not adopt the content or products or services offered on these sites and is not affiliated with the administrators of these sites. If you link to these sites, you are taking this action at your own risk. In the event of a problem during your visit to websites other than this one, you acknowledge and accept that you shall address to those websites which are fully responsible for the above.

15. Applicable Law – Jurisdiction

The present terms and conditions, any modification thereof, the rights and obligations of Marakaki Store and yours shall be governed and interpreted by the applicable Greek and European legislation. In the event of a dispute arising out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions, Greek law shall apply and the courts of Athens shall be solely competent for resolving such dispute.

16. General Terms

You fully recognize, agree and accept that these Terms, including the Privacy Policy, constitute the full and exclusive agreement between us regarding the use and participation in the purchase process through the Online Store and shall prevail over any prior proposal, agreement or other communication. These terms are provided in Greek and English language. In case of conflict the Greek version shall prevail.

The rights and means provided under these Terms do not preclude any rights or means provided by law. Any invalidity of part of these terms shall not render the rest of the Terms invalid, which shall remain in full force. If any part of the Terms of Use is deemed void or may not be applicable, including, indicatively, waiver of warranties and liability restrictions, then the invalid and inapplicable term will be replaced by a valid and applicable term that will be as similar as possible to content with the original, while the validity of the remaining terms will not be affected in any way. Any refund and / or credit to your bank account provided herein, is always deemed as interest-free. Any delay by the parties (Store or Customer) in exercising part or all of the rights deriving from these terms, shall not be deemed as an impairment or waiver of such right, which may at any time be exercised at a later stage at the reasonable discretion of the beneficiary and to the extent that its legal limitation period has not occurred. Marakaki Store may assign its rights and obligations to a third party without your permission/ consent. The Customer – User shall not be entitled to assign or transfer his rights or obligations to any third party. If the Store does not exercise any of its rights under these terms it shall not imply its waiver of these rights. All rights and legal remedies arising from these Terms of Use are cumulative and do not preclude other rights and remedies provided by law or other agree Marakaki Store shall not be held liable for breach of these terms due to force majeure, as well as any delays caused by conditions beyond its control, such as extreme weather conditions, earthquakes, floods, fires, emergencies, disasters, strikes, pandemics / epidemics, wars, terrorist acts, and in general, any event that does not allow the proper execution of this agreement. In any case, Marakaki Store will make its best effort to meet its obligations within a reasonable period of time. If force majeure lasts more than 2 months, this Agreement may be terminated by any Contracting Party without compensation.

17. Complaints

If you wish to file any complaint or complaint regarding the Products or services of the Online Store, please contact our Store’s Customer Service Department at +30 2821020609 [contact hours: Monday-Wednesday-Saturday 09.00am-14.00pm & Tuesday-Thursday-Friday 09.00am-2pm & 17.30-21.00pm)

18. Amendment of terms

You will be subject to the terms, which are in force at the time you place your order for the Product/ Products, unless any amendment to these terms is required by law (in which case this modification may apply to orders previously placed by you). Marakai Store undertakes the obligation to update this text for any change or addition to the terms. The Company may at any time, without notice, revise these terms and conditions of sale by updating this text. The new terms will apply from the time they are posted. Any modifications to the Terms will be announced by stating the date of the last amendment at the beginning of these Terms. You are currently responsible for periodically reviewing any changes to these Terms and Conditions. The use of the Online Store after the above mentioned amendment is considered as acceptance of the Terms, as they were amended. It is not possible for you to change the Terms, unless you have agreed in writing with Marakaki Store.

19. Secure Transactions

All payments made using the card are processed through the electronic payment platform of Pireus Bank and uses TLS 1.2 encryption protocol encryption with 128-bit (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL). Encryption is a way of coding the information until it reaches its recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key.

20. Cookie Policy

This policy describes how we use cookies when you interact with our website. Our website uses cookies to improve your browser experience and to allow us to improve our website. This cookie policy provides you with clear and relevant information about the cookies we use and the particular purposes for using those cookies.

By continuing to use our website you are agreeing to us placing cookies on your computer. Please read this cookie policy carefully for more details about the information we collect when you use these websites.

If you do not wish to accept cookies in connection with your use of one of our websites, you must stop using this website.

Once you have given us your consent to the use of cookies, we shall store a cookie on your computer or device to remember this for next time. This will expire periodically. If you wish to withdraw your consent at an earlier time, you will need to delete your cookies using your internet browser settings. For details on how to delete cookies, please see below.

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that are placed on your browser or the hard drive of your computer. There are many functions cookies serve. For example, they can help remember username and preferences, analyse how well websites are performing, or even recommend relevant content. Full details on the types of cookies we use are set out below.

Certain cookies contain personal information. Most cookies won’t collect information that identifies you, and will instead collect more general information such as how users arrive at and use our website or a user’s general location.

This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third party services that appear on our pages. Our website may contain links to and details of other websites that are outside our control and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access other sites using the links provided, the operators of these sites may collect information from you that will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policy, which may differ from ours. It will be helpful for you to read their privacy policy before providing them with your personal data.

Cookies help you get the most out of our websites. However, if you do wish to disable our cookies then please follow the instructions below.

Please remember that if you do choose to disable cookies, you may find that certain sections of our website do not work properly.

You can easily remove any cookies that have been created in the cookie folder of your browser.

Further information can be found at the links below:
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer

You can also block cookies by activating the settings on your browser that allows you to reuse the setting of all or some cookies initially. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all parts of our website.

If you use different computers in different locations, you will need to ensure that each browser is adjusted to suit your cookie preferences.